Le forum de Nicolas Coolman a pour objectif de détecter et d'informer sur les nouvelles menaces malwares présentes sur le web. 

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 #54782  par g3n-h@ckm@n
Hello j'ai reçu ce mail qui me semble suspect

View online version
Are you vulnerable to WannaCrypt and recent malware or ransomware?
Check and Patch for free!

After Win10wiwi tool which has been used on more than 60,000 PCs, SysStreaming has developed and released a '"one-click" free utility to check and patch systems relatively to the latest flaws used recently in various famous ransomware.

WannaCrypt is a piece of ransomware that encrypts your files and requires a ransom to decrypt them. It has been covered by the press quite intensively recently: it infected more than 200,000 systems, including computers used in public health and transportation. This malware is based on two of a set of seven security flaws that have been leaked from the NSA and used by hackers. Following WannaCrypt, some other malware have been released that use several of these flaws, sometimes all of them. And more are expected to be deployed! Some of the most famous malware that are known to use these flaws are EternalRocks and Wixui.

All unpatched Windows systems are vulnerable. Microsoft has produced patches, but all systems may not be correctly nor automatically patched because they are complex to patch!

Which systems may be vulnerable ?

Windows XP
Windows server 2003
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10


In order to check if you are vulnerable to this set of flaws, you can use our free WannaPatch utility. Not only can WannaPatch detect if your system is vulnerable, but it can also patch it so that, in case it has been detected as vulnerable, it would then be patched and made invulnerable to these security flaws and the malware they have made possible.
How does it work?

The automated patching system that we created is simple and easy: after you ran our free WannaPatch utility, if your system is vulnerable, the details that are needed to determine the exact patch are extracted from your system and used to get the exact patch for it. These details are only technical: Windows version (including the architecture, 64 bits or 32 bits), system language etc. The automation we created makes it simple for you to get the needed patch without having to dig for these details and to find out the exact patch for your system. We do it for you!

WannaPatch Express

A version of our tool named WannaPatch Express has also been developed. The difference between WannaPatch Regular and WannaPatch Express is that the WannaPatch Express version does only the checking, it won't patch any system in case a vulnerability is detected. But you can always use WannaPatch Regular to patch any vulnerable system. WannaPatch Express is available for direct download, when the download link of WannaPatch Regular is sent by email.
Check for free!

More details
WannaPatch detected a vulnerability

The picture above is what you would see after having run the WannaPatch utility if your system is vulnerable.

The picture above is what you would see when WannaPatch does not detect any flaw that could allow the recent malware and ransomware to be activated.

Just download WannaPatch, check, and patch!

Our utilities are free but take time, money and resources to develop. If you want, you can easily support us: Click on a ad anywhere on our site or donate some money.
Support Us

Announcing ZeroDayPatch

It is expected that malware and ransomware will use "Zero Day" flaws and exploits more and more. A flaw is called a Zero Day flaw when it is exploited before having been disclosed by the vendor of the vulnerable system. Usually, the vendor discloses the flaw at the same time a patch is released to correct it and to prevent the exploit of it. However, all systems are vulnerable to the disclosed flaw during the time between disclosure and patching. Sometimes, patching can take quite a long time, even when the system is configured to apply updates automatically: patches are often embedded in large roll-up of updates (latest cumulative update for Windows 10 roll-up is more than 1Go large!), taking a long time to download and apply, the update servers can be very loaded and less responsive when all systems try to get their updates at the same time etc.

In order to patch flaws as soon as possible, SysStreaming is currently designing "ZeroDayPatch" utility: It will check the vulnerability to identified Microsoft Windows flaws on the very day they are disclosed by Microsoft and download the related patches from alternate locations. Not only will it download faster than automatic updates, but it will also download and install only the required patch, so that everything gets done faster.

If you are interested in ZeroDayPatch, click the button above and register to our dedicated mailing list.
Subscribe to ZeroDayPatch newsletter

Evaluate Win10wiwi

If you have downloaded and used Win10wiwi, we thank you for that. And we may be very interested in having your opinion about it, with the poll below.
Win10wiwi Satisfaction Poll

Who are we ?

SysStreaming is a Consulting and R&D company, based in France, and focused on IT and high-tech technologies. SysStreaming produced the free Win10wiwi tool aimed at preventing the automatic upgrade to Windows 10, which has been used on more than 60,000 computers

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***@mail personnel masqué par la modération***
 #61703  par Thebes
Wow, merci pour la recommandation!
J'utilise ce défenseur < Lien supprimé par la modération>
Je pense que contre attaque ransomware il est préférable d'être préparé plus tôt.
 #61705  par Australien

et hop un peu de pub.

votre lien contient un téléchargement pourri. (Spyhunter)

Aux lecteurs: ne rien télécharger sur le site en question.

Les propos que je tiens ici reflètent mon opinion et sont des suggestions – le visiteur n’est pas obligé de les suivre.
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